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Email Report Metrics Definition

Metric Description
Total Sends The total number of emails sent.
Total Delivered The total number of emails delivered. (Total Sent – Total Hard and Soft Bouncebacks)
Total Hard Bouncebacks The total number of emails that could not be delivered because of a hard bounceback.
Hard Bounceback Rate The hard bouncebacks divided by the total number of emails sent. (Total Hard Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
Total Soft Bouncebacks The total number of emails that could not be delivered because of a soft bounceback.

A soft bounce is an email that temporarily could not be delivered. This could mean that the email address is valid, but the recipient’s inbox was full, the mail server was unavailable, or the email message was too large. These bounces may still be delivered at another time.

Soft Bounceback Rate The total number of soft bouncebacks divided by the total number of emails sent. (Total Soft Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
Total Bouncebacks The total hard and soft bouncebacks.
Bounceback Rate The total number of hard and soft bouncebacks divided by the total number of emails sent. (Total Bouncebacks / Total Sends)
Total Opens The number of times an email was opened. This includes multiple opens by the original recipient or forwarded recipient.
Open Rate The total opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Opens / Total Delivered)
Unique Opens The number of recipients that opened an email at least once. This does not count all the times that the same recipient opened the email.
Unique Open Rate The unique opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Unique Opens / Total Delivered)
Total Clickthroughs The number of times that any tracked link in an email was clicked. This includes multiple clicks by the same recipient.
Clickthrough Rate The total clickthroughs divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Clickthroughs / Total Delivered)
Unique Clickthroughs The number of recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that clicked at least one tracked link in an email. This does not count all the times that the same recipient clicked links in the email.
Unique Clickthrough Rate The unique clickthroughs divided by the total number of emails delivered. (Unique Clickthroughs / Total Delivered)
Existing Visitor Clickthrough The number of times that known website visitors clicked a tracked link in an email.

A known visitor is a visitor who had previously visited a tracked web page or clicked a tracked link.

New Visitor Clickthrough The number of times a new website visitor clicked a link in the email.

A new visitor is a visitor who had not previously visited a tracked page or clicked a tracked link.

Click-to-Open Rate The unique clickthroughs sent divided by the unique opens sent. (Unique Clickthroughs Sent / Unique Opens Sent)

A unique clickthrough sent is the number of original recipients that clicked at least one link in an email. This does not count clicks from possible forwards.

Unique opens sent is the number of original recipients that opened an email at least once. This does not count opens from possible forwards.

Total Possible Forwards The total number of emails that were forwarded. This includes all the times that an email was forwarded, including multiple forwards by the same recipient.
Possible Forward Rate The total possible forwarders divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Possible Forwarders / Total Delivered)
Total Possible Forwarders The number of original recipients that forwarded the email at least once.
Total Unsubscribes by Email The total email recipients who globally unsubscribed or reported the email as spam.

This metric does not include unsubscribes from email groups.

Unsubscribe Rate The total unsubscribes divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. (Total Unsubscribes / Total Delivered)
Total Form Submissions from Email The number of forms that were submitted as a result of an email. This includes multiple submissions by the same recipient.
Form Conversion Rate from Email The number of forms that were submitted as a result of an email divided by the total number of times the email was delivered. (Total Form Submissions from Email / Total Delivered)
Unique Form Submissions from Email The number of contacts that submitted at least one form as a result of an email. This does not count all the times that the same recipient submitted a form.


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